Extracting complex logic to named functions

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If a piece of code looks cryptic and is difficult to understand, we can put it in a separate function. The descriptive name we’re giving to that function helps explain what it does.

A good name can make a long comment unnecessary.

// We can get today’s date in a specific timezone with `.toLocaleString()`.
// The code looks complicated, and we might not remember what it does two
// months from now.
const now = new Date()
const nowAsString = now.toLocaleString("en-US", {
  timeZone: "America/Los_Angeles"
// ⇒ "8/15/2020"
// Putting this code into a function makes it easily reusable. We don’t need
// to write a comment for it because the name already explains what it does.
// It’s okay to condense the code and skip a few variables in this case.
const getDateInLosAngeles = () => (new Date()).toLocaleString("en-US", {
  timeZone: "America/Los_Angeles"
// Getting the date with one function call is more convenient and readable.
// ⇒ "8/15/2020"
// We can get today’s date in a specific timezone with `.toLocaleString()`.
// The code looks complicated, and we might not remember what it does two
// months from now.
const now = new Date()
const nowAsString = now.toLocaleString("en-US", {
  timeZone: "America/Los_Angeles"
// ⇒ "8/15/2020"
// Putting this code into a function makes it easily reusable. We don’t need
// to write a comment for it because the name already explains what it does.
// It’s okay to condense the code and skip a few variables in this case.
const getDateInLosAngeles = () => (new Date()).toLocaleString("en-US", {
  timeZone: "America/Los_Angeles"
// Getting the date with one function call is more convenient and readable.
// ⇒ "8/15/2020"
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