Redundant comparisons to true or false

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If an expression returns a Boolean value, comparing that result to true or false is redundant. Leave it out to make your code shorter and more readable.

// before: comparing the Boolean result to `true` or `false` is redundant
if (number < 10 === true) { /* code */ }
// after: using the comparison’s result directly is shorter and more readable
if (number < 10) { /* code */ }
// before: the ternary operator is redundant in this assignment as well
const isHello = string === "Hello" ? true : false
// after: the comparison is already `true` or `false`, which we can use directly
const isHello = string === "Hello"
// before: this if-else-block only returns the result of a conditional chain
const isTheWeekend = day => {
  if (day === "Saturday" || day === "Sunday") {
    return true
  } else {
    return false
// after: our function can return the value of the conditional chain directly
const isTheWeekend = day => day === "Saturday" || day === "Sunday"
// before: comparing the Boolean result to `true` or `false` is redundant
if (number < 10 === true) { /* code */ }
// after: using the comparison’s result directly is shorter and more readable
if (number < 10) { /* code */ }
// before: the ternary operator is redundant in this assignment as well
const isHello = string === "Hello" ? true : false
// after: the comparison is already `true` or `false`, which we can use directly
const isHello = string === "Hello"
// before: this if-else-block only returns the result of a conditional chain
const isTheWeekend = day => {
  if (day === "Saturday" || day === "Sunday") {
    return true
  } else {
    return false
// after: our function can return the value of the conditional chain directly
const isTheWeekend = day => day === "Saturday" || day === "Sunday"
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