Padding strings

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When we want a short string to be a certain number of characters long, we can “pad” it with other characters on the left or right side. For that, JavaScript now offers String.prototype.padStart() and String.prototype.padEnd() respectively.

Spaces are common for this, but we can pad with any character. We can even pad with sequences of characters.

// we can pad a string from the front with .padStart()
    "1".padStart(5, " ")     // ⇒ "    1"
   "12".padStart(5, " ")     // ⇒ "   12"
  "123".padStart(5, " ")     // ⇒ "  123"
 "1234".padStart(5, " ")     // ⇒ " 1234"
"12345".padStart(5, " ")     // ⇒ "12345"
// we can pad from the end with .padEnd()
    "1".padEnd(5, " ")       // ⇒ "1    "
   "12".padEnd(5, " ")       // ⇒ "12   "
  "123".padEnd(5, " ")       // ⇒ "123  "
 "1234".padEnd(5, " ")       // ⇒ "1234 "
"12345".padEnd(5, " ")       // ⇒ "12345"
// strings that are longer than the minimum don’t get padded
"123456".padStart(5, " ")    // ⇒ "123456"
// we can use other characters to pad the string with
"6310".padStart(16, "*")     // ⇒ "************6310"
// the string to pad with is truncated when the expected length is reached
"hello".padEnd(9, " world")  // ⇒ "hello wor"
// we can pad a string from the front with .padStart()
    "1".padStart(5, " ")     // ⇒ "    1"
   "12".padStart(5, " ")     // ⇒ "   12"
  "123".padStart(5, " ")     // ⇒ "  123"
 "1234".padStart(5, " ")     // ⇒ " 1234"
"12345".padStart(5, " ")     // ⇒ "12345"
// we can pad from the end with .padEnd()
    "1".padEnd(5, " ")       // ⇒ "1    "
   "12".padEnd(5, " ")       // ⇒ "12   "
  "123".padEnd(5, " ")       // ⇒ "123  "
 "1234".padEnd(5, " ")       // ⇒ "1234 "
"12345".padEnd(5, " ")       // ⇒ "12345"
// strings that are longer than the minimum don’t get padded
"123456".padStart(5, " ")    // ⇒ "123456"
// we can use other characters to pad the string with
"6310".padStart(16, "*")     // ⇒ "************6310"
// the string to pad with is truncated when the expected length is reached
"hello".padEnd(9, " world")  // ⇒ "hello wor"
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