Catching unknown keys in lookup tables

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The lookup table pattern can replace some long if-else branches and switch statements. We can catch unknown keys we don’t have values for with hasOwnProperty.

const getColorOf = (thing) => {
  const map = {
    clouds: "white",
    grass: "green",
    sky: "blue",
  // throw an error if `thing` isn’t a key in the map
  if (!map.hasOwnProperty(thing)) {
    throw new Error(`Color not defined for: ${thing}`)
  // if we get here, `thing` IS a key in the map
  return map[thing]
getColorOf("grass") // ⇒ "green"
getColorOf("air")   // ⇒ Color not defined for: air
getColorOf()        // ⇒ Color not defined for: undefined
const getColorOf = (thing) => {
  const map = {
    clouds: "white",
    grass: "green",
    sky: "blue",
  // throw an error if `thing` isn’t a key in the map
  if (!map.hasOwnProperty(thing)) {
    throw new Error(`Color not defined for: ${thing}`)
  // if we get here, `thing` IS a key in the map
  return map[thing]
getColorOf("grass") // ⇒ "green"
getColorOf("air")   // ⇒ Color not defined for: air
getColorOf()        // ⇒ Color not defined for: undefined
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